Sunday, June 14, 2009

State Route 315 Road Project Begins: A map to help guide you with closures and exits

YOU CAN'T EXIT HERE, MORTAL!!!!As any Central Ohioan knows, State Route 315 can be a blessing or a curse depending on what time you are traveling and what accident has occurred. Starting Monday June 15, 2009, it is a curse for all of use.

It would appear that there are a lot of exits closed. Most are entrance exits on to SR315 while others are off ramps. Not sure what is what? You are not alone.

Click here for a printable, downloadable map of the exits that are impacted by this road work on SR315.

For updates throughout this project, check out


Anonymous said...

I have spent the last 45 minutes looking for exactly this info (map)! Thank you for the easy to find links, that aren't so easy to find on buckeyetraffic!

The Squeaky Wheel said...

You are welcome. BDO is here to help!